Alice gives kisses

2005-05-30 One-minute read

Over the weekend we taught Alice how to give kisses. It’s absolutely adorable! This evening when I was having a shower she tried giving me a kiss through the glass door- it melted my heart! This makes childbirth worth it! Alice also had her first picnic this weekend. We met Auntie Chrissy and Uncle Norm at Stanley Park and roasted wieners on Norm’s little Hibachi. Before we knew it it was 5 o’clock! Alice was so well behaved and enjoyed it very much; we took lots of pictures and had a nice visit. I can’t wait to take Alice camping and roast marshmallows over a fire! (This isn’t daddy’s idea of camping but Alice and I don’t like bears, we prefer to be in a campground with lots of activity and people– poor introverted daddy…)