Rain Forest Tea, Sea Asparagus & Sea Legs

2007-03-27 One-minute read

So, our dream like vacation has come to an end, we’re back home! We had a wonderful time, and did many fun and also many relaxing things. We went on a guided nature walk, and the naturalist explained what rainforest tea was – sopping puddles of reddish water on the forest floor from heavy rains, with all the tannins and such leached out of the needles and bark from the Sitka Spruce, Hemlock and Western Red Cedar. It really does look like tea! Now Sea Asparagus was a new thing for us, it’s apparently actually a seweed that just looks like asparagus; we had it in the consumme of our chef’s tasting the last night we ate at the Pointe Restaurant; delicious indeed! We’d also eaten clams and oysters for the first time, very delicious. Sea Legs: I don’t have them, Don apparently does. We went whale watching on Saturday, and while we didn’t end up seeing any whales, we sure got the ride of our life on a small motor boat in the great Pacific Ocean- 5 foot swells with turbulent waters and rain. How green did I look? How many of us clambered to the back of the boat, hoping the feeling would pass….