4 month vaccinations for Nathaniel May 30th
One-minute read
Last Friday we went to the south calgary health centre for Nathaniel’s 4 month shots. He weighs 14 lb 1 oz, and length is 25 3/4 inches. He’s still 55% for weight, but is now 75% for length- since he is a Murray, this is sure to change to a more “average” percentile. Nurse Carol had all sorts of advise and things to watch out for ie/small toys baby could put in his mouth, grabbing hot drinks off the table…hello- have ya noticed I already have a child? Been there, done that. Thanks for the advise but we just came for the needles! And have you noticed my first child is the age of 3, which means, “hurry up!” She was an older nurse, old school. Long gone are the days she’d remember hauling baby with toddler in tow…