Mommy gets a job in insurance
I was hired at AMA and started May 19th as an auto adjuster. It’s been 8 years since I’ve done this, but I’ve gotten back into it quickly… the hardest adjustment is commuting to a day job which has me away from home from 7:15am- 5:45pm. I miss Alice and Nathaniel terribly. The first week was the hardest, and I really didn’t think I could continue…but since Don was laid off March 23rd, neither of us could afford not to accept any offers. I’ve adjusted now to being at work, though I find it strange to take breaks as required ( a break, what’s that?). I actually asked in the interview if I could work through lunch and go home early… this makes complete sense to me but I guess is not an option…. Anyway, we hired a nanny, Leah, who started the Friday before I had to begin my job. She’s working out great, not that I ever see her. The kids seem happy and Don reports good things, like Leah making Nathaniel go on time outs for hitting Alice. She seems to do things the way I would, so I guess in my absence this is the next best thing.