Alice's first day of Kindergarten
On Friday, I took Alice to her first day of kindergarten, at Sam Livingston school. Ecole! Wow, Mommy needs to learn french- Alice will soon be learning things I won’t have a clue of what she’ll be saying! Her teacher, Mme Heather Dyson, seems very nice, and sincere. It was a staggered entry, which means half the kids went Thurs. and the other half on Friday. I took her to her class and met the teacher, then I was instructed to head to the library for orientation, while Alice had an hour of class. Our girl isn’t little anymore!!! She seems so grown up now. It went well, and she enjoyed it.
Tomorrow she starts full time, and will be taking the bus. The bus pick up is 11:59am, and drop off is at the same spot, at 4:05pm. So Nathaniel and I will have 4 hours by ourselves, that will be weird. On Friday, we discovered that a girl from Alice’s preschool is not only in her class, but also taking the same bus! So that’s great, they can be bus buddies, and friends in school. We’re very proud of our girl!